Have you ever wished to be under a spell? A spell where beautiful women fulfill your every whim and desire every hour of the day and night? The price? You won’t be able to leave…you’ll be my prisoner for life…my harem’s plaything…are you willing to live in pleasure the rest of your life?

Sunday, January 31, 2021

These Rocks Really Aren't Comfortable

I understand why someone would want to photograph this hottie, but I just don't understand some of the settings photographers use. Like who thinks leaning on a rock is hot? Why?  And these rocks are probably in some exotic location, because they actually are sort of cool to look at sometimes, but we'll never see them in real life, well, most of us anyway. I mean, people must like these rock pictures and some of the other strange settings I've seen. Sometimes I think the photographers try too hard, try to come up with different locations and try to be too artsy...we really only care about the girls, right? And I bet those rocks are uber cold! So cold, and they're makin' this poor girl lean on them and sit on them and stuff, just so they can get that perfect picture...whatever! Just show me the girls!

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