Have you ever wished to be under a spell? A spell where beautiful women fulfill your every whim and desire every hour of the day and night? The price? You won’t be able to leave…you’ll be my prisoner for life…my harem’s plaything…are you willing to live in pleasure the rest of your life?

Sunday, June 6, 2021

What. Is. That. Thing. Crawling. Over. There???

O.M.G. Even if this beautiful creature was walkin' towards me, I would run in the opposite direction if there was even one creepy, crawly thing followin' her! But honestly, it would have to be a beach-type creepy crawly thing, like a scorpion or somethin' like that because actually when I'm outside regular bugs and stuff don't really bother me so much, but if I'm inside...the tiniest of the tiniest bugs will make me jump and stand on a chair. I think it has to do with the fact that they don't belong inside, or at least that's how my mind works, but they belong outside so I won't bother bugs when they are outside, but if I see one in my apartment they can kiss their short lives goodbye because they are gonna meet the bottom of my shoe or the backside of a thick book!

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