Have you ever wished to be under a spell? A spell where beautiful women fulfill your every whim and desire every hour of the day and night? The price? You won’t be able to leave…you’ll be my prisoner for life…my harem’s plaything…are you willing to live in pleasure the rest of your life?

Sunday, January 3, 2021

You Just Did What?

Does it really matter if the carpet matches the drapes? When I originally started this series I wanted to open a discussion on the matter, but I don't think it really matters to anyone because I've never received any comments saying otherwise. I don't really care, but I thought it was an interesting idea. I do love reds, reds with freckles and pale skin and bright eyes...I guess I just love every type of person out there and sometimes it becomes so much because even though I'm attracted to a lot of different types of people, I just care about people in general too much sometimes, and it gets me in trouble, personal trouble mainly, and it hurts, but I just don't know any other way to live. I don't want to shut myself off from the world, so I'll just go on believing the way I do. Boy! I really go off on tangents sometimes, don't I? Well, I hope my little blurbs help you get to know me a little better because I think I'm a swell person and I love the idea of making someone else smile or maybe just not feel that alone for a brief moment.

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